
Chubb’s foundation is supported by its industry-leading underwriting, claims and risk engineering capabilities. The following includes information about each of Chubb’s North American business lines. If you would like to request an interview with one of Chubb’s spokespeople or to learn more, please contact Chubb media relations at


Continued threats of terrorism, weather-related troubles like hurricanes, earthquakes and the eruption of volcanoes such as that in Iceland, and crimes against travelers including kidnapping,...

Checklists for parents of pre-teen and teenage students to help provide a more holistic overview of the risks and safety issues that kids encounter beginning in middle school.

Young adults heading off to college face more complex campus-life risks than previous generations did.

There are steps you can take to help mitigate the risk while you and your family enjoy online activities.

The opinions and positions expressed are the authors’ own and not those of Chubb. The information and/ or data provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Insurance coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued.