We are living in an unprecedented time as we collectively battle COVID-19, and many homeowners are hesitant to allow others to enter their homes. While it’s a more opportune time to have contractors working on the home’s exterior, delaying emergency interior repairs and critical home maintenance could lead to significant problems. In the event you need to allow a contractor into your home for those essential home repairs, not only should you request a certification of insurance, but the following are some reasonable questions to ask your contractor, subcontractors or vendors before they arrive:
In addition, on the day of their arrival, it’s perfectly acceptable to place a final check-in call or text to ensure that they are still feeling well. Moreover, based on what answers you receive, you might decide not to allow a specific contractor to enter your home at this time. Conversely, if you feel comfortable with the screening answers, you should also consider the following, additional hygiene tips:
A few final tips:
Last, for the latest information and guidelines, check with the CDC and your state’s official website and adhere to those recommended safety precautions.
Jenny Naughton is Executive Vice President, Risk Consulting Officer, Chubb Personal Risk Services
Article Sources:
Dedicated 2019-nCoV CDC Website.
Center for Disease Control can be found here.
World Health Organization can be found here.
The opinions and positions expressed are the authors’ own and not those of Chubb. The information and/ or data provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Insurance coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued.